I hope that life is treating everyone well. This week starts the camp meeting at
GBS. Please be much in prayer for them. I can't believe that it is already the end of the school year for them. Time really seems to be flying by the older I get. (No comment Erkie.) But things have been going really well for us. We are trying to grow a vegetable garden this year. I wish that I had soil good enough for a garden but I had to take it to my parents new place. I'm hoping to be able to share some great vegetables with everyone. Who knows maybe I'll even have some for the family reunion. I hope that all of the Kennedys can make it to that. I'm glad to see how everything is going for Hannah and Eric in Honduras. We need to keep them and the water situation at the top of our prayer list.
Eric and Hannah will be coming back soon to have the newest addition to the Kuhns/Kennedy/Jarasat family. Everyone is anxiously waiting and praying for them. Well, I believe that I have rambled enough for one blog. Everyone have a great day. Wayne
P.S. The pic is just a sunset in Israel